Escenas amorosas que terminan: noviazgos, relaciones y no, preludios un amor, deseos, contados desde la mirada que se quiebra y se da vuelta.

Los dibujos están inspirados en relatos que voy escuchando, pero con un twist, y más risas. Abajo, el guión traducido al inglés.

Drawings are based on stories I´ve heard around, but with a twist and more laughts. Below is always the script in English

Se actualiza al final de cada domingo, el resto es yapa.
Updates sunday night.

¡Sonia! ¡Pedí un remis!

SCRIPT: Sonia, get a car!
1) Taxidriver: good evening ladies, where to? / Caro: Larrea & Cba first, then we`ll tell you where to next / Sonia: really think its a good idea to go now?
2) Caro: yeah, how can you consider waintin a whole week? You have to smash his face up! you think she`´s gonna wait? She talked to him as soon as he got home for sure! Let me to find out where he lives and then we´ll go there.
3) Caro: wait here, I`ll bring Pedro and ask him to take us there.
4) Caro: Come on Pedro, get in!
5) Caro: Take us to Juan´s place / Pedro: But... for what? / Sonia: Just take us there
6) Taxidriver: And now? / Caro: Now wait pls, Come on Sonia, get off
7) Girl: This is she?/ Juan: Wait girls, I`ll explain / Sonia: You motherfucker, who the fuck do you think you are, a faraon?
8) Girl: Juan, get in the house, this is over / Pedro: Sorry men, I was drag here under false claims.../ Juan: Yes, she ´s my girlfirend, but I have feelings for you as well/ Caro: Come on Sonia, let´s go, he´s not worth it
9) Caro: Take us back please/ Taxidriver: Oh girl, I don´t now much, but you, I woudn´t mess with you. Maaaamita!

1 comentario:

Tefa dijo...

muy divertida! Besos
